Thursday, June 28, 2012

Arrival in Atlanta

They finally arrived safely in their hotel in Atlanta at 10:30pm. They missed the first night of Forward but were there ready to go for tomorrow!!!

Back on Track

Back on Track!!!

They have just now gotten on the new bus, 5 hours later!!!

Forward started at 6pm and they are 3 hours away still, but moving again at least!

Thanks for the prayers!!

Long Wait at the BP

Long wait at the BP

So the Chatanooga bus didn't workout and the bus company is sending a bus from HERE!! They are mostly in the bus which still has air conditioning whereas the BP Gas Station does not!!


More when I have news.

btw- very sorry to those of you who are not from Forestpark, but this is the easiest way to pass these on!

Bus on the Way

Bus on the way

Charter bus is on the way from Chatanooga to pick up the youth group! Should be there in around an hour.

Broken Bus!

Broken Bus!

Please pray for the Teens on the Forward trip. Everyone is fine but the bus broke down from over heating!! They are all ok and in East TN on I24, Shelbyville TN.

It cooled enough to drive to a a station and they are waiting to see if a bus from Chattanooga can finish the trip for them!

I will send an update when I have it.

They all probably think it's songs and charades time!

In all honesty though, it's pretty hot out there!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Welcome FPCC Ladies! LOTS of Updates!!

I want to welcome the ladies of Forestpark Church who are just signing on for the first time! A little mini-advertisement went out with the church e-newsletter this week about our group! There was even a link and a brief excerpt of me rambling about losing my computer...gee how spiritual...anyway... :-) We are really glad you are here!!

If you want to join our email list send me a note to:, or click on our link over at the side here. :-) I send them fairly randomly, sorry, but sometimes I get super busy and don't have time to send them, then other times we have 10-12 requests back to back! I will say, any urgent requests, and many updates never reach this website, they only go out to the mailing list.

Any ladies, anywhere can get on the mailing list, and don't worry we are really careful about not using last names, and sometimes not even first names!!

Update #1: My kids both finished swimming class smiling believe it or not! Of course that might be because they knew it was finally over....

Update #2: My friend's custody hearing is over, and everyone is just waiting now to hear from the judge on Monday....praying for peace for the families, and mercy + wisdom from the courts!

Update #3: Denise's hernia surgery went well. We need to pray for a very quick recovery (this is her 8th surgery for hernias!) and that this will be her last one!

Update #4: Angela's procedure went well she said, but now they have scheduled another test down the road. Ugg.

Update #5: My co-worker who was in the car accident is back to work today, and there were a few things that got cleared up about the story, but none that really made it any better! It was his left side that was hit, and although the majority of the skin was not actually removed as I had at first heard, it was cut in a crescent shape from the top middle of his forehead down, following his nose and under his eye, and the eye is totally swollen shut. But they think he will recover well. He said they brought a plastic surgeon in to do the face work. The actual truck that hit his car is what hit his face! It went through his window and physically hit him. They said he also had blunt-force trauma from that. There were 2 other friends in the car as well, they both sound like they are ok. The one guy who was in the front thought that my co-worker had died when he saw him, and began panicking. We should lift him up as well, what an awful thing to endure!! Whew. Amazing they are alive, much less up and walking!!

Request & Praise: A 14 year old daughter, of a co-worker of one of our ladies, left a note to her parents today that she "needed to get away for awhile" and that she was "staying with a friend" and "would be safe." She had run away! They went into a frantic search calling in internet police, friends, family, etc, trying to decide if she had possibly run out of town to meet someone she met online recently. The Praise is that she was found VERY Quickly, and hadn't gotten out of town yet. The Request is that she is clearly in need of some help from several sides. :-(

That's it for now!!

Send me things you want prayer for, people you hear from that need prayer, or events etc. 

We try to stick to actual people or situations we have some personal contact with just to save space here and not get overwhelmed! But obviously many times it is the "cousin of the sister of my friend" or something, God cares about them too! We usually don't share stuff like: "some lady I heard about on tv in Cleveland." However, if you really have a feeling that the Lord is calling you to pray for her, then by all means! Send her on and we will all help!! :-)

Great to see our circle expanding ladies!!! Keep sharing with your friends and as always, keep on praying!!

iprayer Ladies Group
The Digital Prayer Group

"Rejoice always! Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (HCSB)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

iPrayer 6/5/12

Summer is here, but it's not hot in Louisville! Cold enough I had to switch to a sweater just to sit outside today with the kids! Well, I suppose technically it's still Spring for another couple of weeks....

I have to admit that one prayer has already been answered before we even start! Otherwise you would not be receiving this email! I've needed to write to you all for more than a week, but....

I had looked EVERYWHERE (I thought) for my mini-laptop! It is the only computer I use at home! Anyway, having totally given up looking for the computer, I asked Sam if I could borrow his later. Just then, I glanced down beside the couch and realized that I could see the edge of the case for the computer. It was under a little plastic briefcase. I picked up the briefcase and underneath was the computer case. But it was empty! Then I saw the charger, still plugged in, but attached to nothing! I showed Sam and was amazed. Suddenly I looked again at that dumb briefcase...why was is so heavy? Sure enough, I opened it up and there was the tiny laptop, stashed inside by...Grace? I don't know, but needless to say, I was both annoyed and thrilled. Ah well...joys of kids!

Two of these requests are for tomorrow, so one way or the other I had to email this out!!

By the way, just a housekeeping thing, I am going to try to send you all a test email soon from a service called Constant Contact, which will make these look much cooler, but more importantly, it should make it so I can zip out an email to everyone at the same time from anywhere, even my phone! We will see! You may have to click on "allow images from this person" or something to really get it to work.... 

Not on our email list? Send me a note to: and I will add you to the mailing list, then you too can be one of the first to know when prayer is needed! Many times urgent requests and updates are only shared to the mailing list!

Let's start with a prayer, feel free to read it (or skip it) and then say your own, you don't need my help! Anyone who has seen the amazing results of God's work through your diligent (and sometimes hurried :-) ) prayer can tell you these ladies are Prayer Warriors!!!

Lord God, I just want to lift up these ladies to You tonight. You are the only One who knows when each person will open this site, which one will be close it without really reading, which will be read and forgotten, and which will be prayed over repeatedly. But we pray together Lord, with one purpose and with one heart over time and space, to You, the One True God. We love You and ask that Your Holy Spirit would guide us and help us to know what to pray and remind us to lift up these requests again when it is time. Thank You for allowing us to be used in this amazing way. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.

Request #1: My friend who we have so many times prayed for, who has been slammed this year with a divorce, his wife's remarriage, announcement that she is pregnant again from this person, and then her decision that she is taking the kids and moving far away, has his big court hearing tomorrow, Wednesday June 6th. His lawyer has given him little hope that the courts will side with him. To the outside observer it appears that she is the one who has a "stable" home life. The truth, that he had to sell their home when she moved out, that she left him, etc etc, will likely not be recognized. All their "friends" who might speak for him, were really her friends. All the kids' teachers worked with her. But yet, in all this, he does not give up. Planning today to go get a haircut etc. I promised we would pray. He does not know God, but God knows him, and his heart, and these 3 sweet kids.

Request #2: Tomorrow a close friend of Derema's, Denise, is having a hernia repair. This is another of SEVERAL repairs and it is so frustrating for her family. Let's pray that this is fixed once and for all, and that she will have a very fast recovery. Also for her teenage daughter and husband.

Request #3: A coworker was in a car accident yesterday which (if you are weak stomached skip this part) literally peeled back a corner of his face on the right side!! He had lots of stitches, and they say the eye will be fine, which I'm told is shocking to believe if you look at him. More amazingly, he plans to work tomorrow!

Request #4: Shannon, who we have prayed for before on this, finally found out some info from her tests about the stomach pain she has been having! Here is her report to us: (I asked if I could share her email and she said "share away!" 
"I have three ulcers in my stomach, some kind of infection in my colon (suppose to take major antibiotics for it) and have been diagnosed with Barret's esophagus... No dysplasia at this point, but have to get scoped in 6 months to see how things are going."

Request #5: Also from Shannon's email: "As for my dad, he is monitoring the cancer every three months right now. No surgery or radiation at this point."

Request #6: My Thirty-One lady, Angela asked for prayer as well. Here is her email:
"I am having a procedure tomorrow. It's just my stomach. Remember, they thought that I had cancer but after the CT and biopsy we have found that it isn't! THANK GOD! So now I am undergoing MANY procedures to find out WHAT it is. Please keep me in your prayers as I am very nervous about being put under. Ugh."

Request #7: Ok, make fun, but I have to ask for this: Thomas and Grace are in swim lessons for 30 minutes each day this week. She is at 9am and he is at 9:40. But so far, Grace has had one lesson yesterday (we managed to oversleep today) in which she spent half the time refusing to get in, and Thomas has had 2. Today he was so frightened that he was practically having a panic attack in the water! I really really want them to be able to at least tread water and not become hysterical, because they are both old enough to be in a situation where they may need to know! I just hate making them do this when they are so totally terrified! Tonight at dinner Thomas kind of absent mindedly said "I don't really like swimming lessons. Oh, I already said that like a million times. Sorry." And he laughed nervously. I told him it was alright, it was because it is on his mind that he doesn't want to go tomorrow. :-(

Request #8: Our Vacation Bible School starts 2 weeks from yesterday and I'm still thinking of things I have to do to get ready (I'm the director this year) so I would LOVE if you took a half second to pray that all the planning, volunteering, decorating, praying etc would get done according to God's will. :-)

Request #9: I got this email from Ellen-
"Found out yesterday that mom has dementia.  She is on medication for it and doing pretty good most of the time.  At night she gets lost around the house. Can't find her bedroom etc.  Occasionally, at night she doesn't know me....  Most always thinks there are other people in the house that could help get her up when she falls.  She fell twice yesterday, at 1:30 am and again at 10:30 am....Last night she ask me if I turned her tv off because there was no picture on it.  Her tv was on and had a picture.  She was looking at the oven on her kitchen stove!  Her nurse left me a booklet to read so I'll know how to help her. Keep us in your prayers."

I'm sure there are many more. I will send updates as I get them. Thanks for your patience, this was a really long one.

Two brief requests: ( I know, no soliciting....)

We're still in need of DIAPERS size 4, 5, 6 only. Several of our clients have also asked for baby 

laundry detergent and we have NONE! Thanks!


2) On Sunday April 30th 2012, Leo Irizarry was tragically taken from us. As a 2 year old, mildly autistic toddler, Leo had a very giving and lovable nature. He always wore a smile and loved to watch musicals and played the piano.The grieving family has a financial burden of $4,000 in funeral costs and is raising money to pay back the loan. Any gift you can give is needed and greatly appreciated. Any excess of the $4,000, will be donated to the Autism Society in 
Leonardo’s name. Donations may also be given at any Louisville Fifth-Third Bank. Just mention Leo’s name.

Feel free to print it, or pass it, or pray for it! :-)

Send me any more you think of or hear.

iprayer Ladies Group
The Digital Prayer Group

"Rejoice always! Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (HCSB)