Thursday, August 26, 2010

8/30/10 Requests and Praises!

Hi! Welcome Back!

I will be adding requests as I receive them, so check back often!

Request 1: From Ron: One of my supervisors from when I was a Basic Military Training Instructor in the Air Force needs our prayers. His name is Earl, and his wife's name is Pat.  Pat has been battling MS for decades, and Earl has always been there beside her to care for her.  Earlier this week, Earl suffered his second stroke in three years, and this one has knocked him down pretty hard.  He is unable to care for Pat now, and in fact home health nurses are needed to care for the both of them.  The situation with Earl is dire; he has an inoperable brain tumor, and the whole situation is bleak. Please include Earl and Pat in your prayers, and have others you may know do the same.

Request #2: Amy's Grandmother and son are ill: "She had a really bad heart attack Wednesday. Went into cardiac arrest when they did the stint. They managed to resuscitate her, but she's really bad off." Also, her baby son Eli is sick.  "I don't know - he just yakked all over himself. Fever is back up - was 104.5 before I put him in a lukewarm bath. Went down to 103.2. Guess who's not sleeping tonight?" his fever went down for several hours and then back up again. 

Request #3: Melanie - 3rd trimester starts next week!! Just a couple more months until we get to see the little one : )

Request #4: Stacy - I have a sick girl... and I'm not feeling so hot... crud stay away

Request #5: Amber - Reagan and I went and visited my sister (Heather) in the hospital today. After falling yesterday and having a severe concussion, she began having seizures (2) and was admitted to the hospital. Reagan went to "talk" to her about the bond they now share ... they're even taking the same anti-seizure medicine. We'd definitely appreciate if you'd keep her in your prayers!

Request #6: Kelly - has a boy with a temp of 101.3.....Thanks to everyone for being so thoughtful. He's not feeling all that great...hopefully, it will pass soon. School is definitely back in session!

Request #7: My friends Chris and Shannon just found out recently that they are going to have baby #2! I had to wait till I had permission to tell anyone! She is really super nauseated, and having lots of morning sickness, so let's pray she'll feel much better!

Request #8: Please pray for Wesley's little belly. He still has some runny bm's at least 3 a day, He had a fever last Wednesday, doctor says virus, needs to run its course. He can't go to school yet, he's missed the whole first week. Tests so far say it's not e-coli. He lost a full pound in 6 days & that was last Monday. We are on week 3 of this. - Robin

Request #9: Amy - Home with BOTH kids today. They've both been "frowing" and the little one has had a fever. Also got the results of my MRI today - degenerating and bulging disc. I hate getting old.

Request #10: A New Hope Pregnancy Resource Center (Bullitt Co) asks - Please pray for us. We have a very important meeting tonight 8/30, that could be a HUGE open door for the future of our center! 

Request #11: Carmen - Three of my babies are sick now :( My throat now hurts, I'm congested, and low fever too. Welcome back to school!

Nehemiah 1:11 O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man." I was cupbearer to the king.

I made requests in blue and praises in pink. Feel free to forward these, print them, share them with your friends.... :-) Hope this is a blessing to you because you are helping to bless all these others!

Remember, we are not including last names, (God already knows them!!!) and as much as possible, I am sharing the request in the person's own words! Any editing is for privacy, etc. Thank you soooo much - I know, again - for taking a minute to pray over these requests! You know what they say, "The Power of a Praying...." Wife, Sister, Friend, Mother, Stranger, God listens and hears our prayers!

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome to the first Digital Meeting of our iprayer Ladies Group

Welcome to iprayer! 

This is the first Digital Meeting of our Ladies iprayer Group. 

I will try to get these updated every Monday or Tuesday. 

I made requests in blue and praises in pink. Feel free to scan over them or print them or whatever. :-) I would encourage you to share these with others if you feel led to, etc. Hope this is a blessing to you, just as you are helping to bless all these others!

1st Request: Nancy, a lady who attends church with me, had double hip replacement surgery last Tuesday. She required a lot of extra blood and is now in a rehab facility for a couple of weeks. 

2nd Request: My nephew David, 14 months old, broke his ankle a week ago Sunday night. they've put him in a cast up to his knee! The fracture is in the ankle. Praise: He only has to wear the cast for 3 weeks and even though he is in a tiny cast, he is already up and moving on it!

3rd Request: From Teresa - I am asking that all of you please pray for my nephew Phillip. He needs the Lord right now. God knows his needs. Thank you all very much for your prayers.

4th Request: Please pray for my youngest daughter Maya. She has scheduled a cosmetic surgery for October.

5th Request: From a friend: My very good friend, a 17 year survivor of breast cancer has had the cancer return with a vengeance and she is now fighting the fight of her life at 54 years old.

6th RequestFrom Sara B:  I'm Soooooooo stressed out!! I need prayers and lots of them! :)

7th Request: One of the youth at our church, Dylan, was in a very bad dirt bike accident 2 weeks ago, and broke 3 places in his back. They were up in Ohio, and his parents had to go up to be with him in the hospital. He was able to come back home, but has a long recovery ahead. Praise: No apparent mobility problems!

A Mother Who Prays

Some have had kings in their lineage,
Some to who honor was paid. 
Not blest of my ancestors-but,
I have a mother who prays!

I have a mother who prays for me
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
Oh what a difference it makes for me,
I have a mother who prays!

Some have worldly success,
and trust in riches they've made.
This is my surest asset,
I have a mother who prays.

My mother's prayers cannot save me,
Only mine can avail;
But mother introduced me to Someone-
Someone who never could fail.

Oh Yes...I have a mother who prays for me,
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
Oh what a difference it makes for me-
I have a mother who prays!

                            -Author Unknown

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Monday, August 23, 2010

How to Make a New Request or Praise


We are sooooo glad you want to share your prayer request with us!!!!!!

To share a request, we are very old school: Click Here to send us a note: Request

That's right, I'm just a prayer lady with blogging abilities! 

So, if you want to: 

Make a Prayer Request Click Here:


if you want to Share a Praise, Click Here:

Just click the button to Email me!

Be sure to note whether it's ok to share names, and other info. I do not use people's last names online. Also, all requests posted here are also emailed out to a group of carefully selected ladies who love to pray! So, if you want to be added to the iprayer ladies Group, say so in your email, and you'll receive weekly copies of this list in your inbox!

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