Monday, May 18, 2015

iPrayer Ladies 5/18/15

May 18, 2015
iPrayer Ladies : The Digital Prayer Group
Dear iPrayerLady,

It's a very cloudy day in Louisville, but somehow it seems ok. It's one of those days where the rain seems like it is a drink for the flowers and the wind feels like a breeze blowing summer your way. Woah...that is like deep...

Anyway, I think just being this close to school being out has everyone feeling excited and hopeful. I know we are starting to mentally prepare for our annual family beach excursion a few weeks from now, which actually just  means I am thinking things like, "Will the van make it that far?" "Do we have that much saved up for gas," and "Am I ready to sit in the car with 2 kids saying 'Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?'' for hours!

I am putting some links at the bottom of each section when I can, (fancy new fan-dangled software) so that you can easily skip ahead to the requests, or the scripture I found for today, or back to the skip my rambling... :-)

Have a Blessed Day!

~ iPrayer Lady

2 Anonymous Requests:

Hello Ladies!  We have two anonymous prayer requests:


1. We have a lady who is looking for an apartment, either over a garage or a basement apartment.


2. We have another lady who is looking for a job.




Please keep one of our iPrayer Ladies' husband, Bruce in your prayers.


He was taken to the hospital for being short of breath and generally not feeling right a few days ago.


They have since learned that he has fluid around his heart and a fever. Then they started to be told other seemingly unrelated, but possibly serious, health issues are popping up. (O2 was low after sleeping without the CPAP over night in an attempt to lesson his feeling of being trapped, he seems to be putting out a lot more fluid than he is taking in...etc.)


He is very confused and disoriented now.


Praying for his wife, and their 3 adult sons, plus daughters-in-law and grandkids, as they try to give this to the Lord in prayer, and not worry over it. 



Romans 8:26-27(NIV)

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God.


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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

iPrayer Requests for May

iPrayer Requests for Mandi (Bubbles), Travel Safety, and SCHOOL's Almost OUT!

iPrayer Ladies 5/12/15
Good Morning!

Summer is sneaking up on us! Can you imagine that school is almost out again? Amazing how it zooms by! I just realized that this time next month, I will already be BACK from vacation!!

I pray that you will be blessed by the privilege of being apart of God's plan today for the people we are praying for. 

If you want to skip the "Why Do We Pray" section, and go straight to the requests, Click Here: Take Me to the Requests!

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Why Do We Pray 
If God Already Knows Everything?

I had a professor at Seminary who asked us, "If God knows everything, and God is in control of everything, and God has a plan for every single person, why do we bother to pray?" 

There was silence for awhile. 

A couple of people suggested ideas, none of which really answered the question. 

Finally, he said, "It isn't because God needs our help. It's because we need His." he said, "God wants us to Pray so that we will be blessed. We are given the amazing opportunity of being part of His Plans."  

Don't misunderstand, it isn't that God doesn't hear us or doesn't listen to us or won't respond to us. The Bible is full of stories that say, "your prayers were heard," or "I have heard your prayer." But it is just as clear, that God wants this for you because it will help YOU. 

The second reason, and truly the only one we really need, is that Jesus Himself told us to pray!

Here are some verses below, that may encourage you to take time to pray today! I changed some text below to bold, so it would be easier to catch!
VersesWhyVerses About Why We Pray
  • He tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5: "16 Rejoice always,  17 pray continually,  18 give thanks in all circumstances;  for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." The Holman Christian Standard Bible shows verse 17 as Pray Constantly.
  • The angel Gabriel appeared to Daniel in the Lion's Den and said, ""Don't be afraid, Daniel," he said to me, "for from the first day that you purposed to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your prayers were heard. I have come because of your prayers."" Daniel 10:12 HCSB
  • Jesus tells us to pray in Matthew 5:44, "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
  • Luke 18:1, Jesus tells his disciples to pray. "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up."
  • And Luke 22:46, He says, ""Why are you sleeping?" he asked them. "Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation."" 
  • Hebrews 5:7 "During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and He was heard because of his reverent submission."

By the way, all of these quotes were taken from, and I HIGHLY recommend you visit their site. It's amazing!
Request #1: 

Please pray for Mandi.  I received an e-mail from her that she had a heart attack last Wednesday night/

Thursday morning.  She is in Norton Brownsboro Hospital and has had one stint put in, and may have to have two or three more stints.  At this time, she is not sure when she will be released from the hospital and asked for prayer.  Mandi and her husband live in the condominiums next to church, and some of you may know her fondly as "Bubbles". 


If you are able to send her a card, an e-mail, or give her a call, I know it would mean the world to her.  Please don't feel bad if you can't, but if you feel lead to do one of those things here is her information:




Norton Brownsboro Hospital

4960 Norton Healthcare Blvd

Room 325

Louisville, KY 40241



Her e-mail address is:  She has her laptop at the hospital with her.


It doesn't matter if you personally know Mandi or not, just let her know that you are from Forestpark and are praying for her.  I know she will really appreciate it.  By the way...she loves cats. 




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Request #2:
Let's pray for all the kids (and teens and adults...) who are finishing up this school year! This next 2 weeks will be the last chance to bring their grades back up and finish strong!

Also, please be in prayer for the many families across the country (and probably world) who are trying to make difficult decisions regarding next year's school options. I know 2 different families who had to make the choice right about now to send their child to summer school, or pull them out!

You may remember at the beginning of April we prayed for Hannah, who was in a car accident? Well Great news! She is MUCH better! She is having trouble with her back hurt and neck, but nothing that won't be manageable over time!! Also, her Mom is in Physical Therapy and dealing with similar issues, and everyone else in the car are ok too! Love those GREAT NEWS ones! 

History: Urgent request for Hannah, age 9, she and her Mom, Brandi, and 3 friends were in a very serious car accident yesterday afternoon by Kmart on Taylorsville Rd in Louisville. The adults in the car are pretty banged up, but ok. Hannah is still at Kosair with neck and back injuries. They were taken in late yesterday afternoon but by the time they realized they needed an MRI for Hannah, the specialist who does them had gone home. So, MRI is finally done now and we are waiting for results. Hannah's grandmother who I know, is having to work all day today at the gas station, after being up at the ER all night. Mom and 2 friends were taken to a different hospital than Hannah, which was very scary. Btw, the adult man in the car was also kept at the hospital because of injuries and a history of epileptic seizures.

Great News from our Little Bitty Girl from China we have been praying for! She was Officially diagnosed as CANCER FREE! AND when they went back for the 6 week check up, they just found out, she is Still CANCER FREE! 


That gave them the green light to Finally complete their adoption!!! 

They all travelled back to China these last 16 days and did all the paperwork, and SHE IS THEIR'S!!!

April 2nd, 2015
I have fun news! Over the last year or so, I have shared a prayer request with a few of you, (I didn't feel like I could really talk about it without permission,) for this little girl who was being adopted from China. She has a rare form of cancer, and was allowed to come here on a Medical Visa, to live with a family at Christian Academy. Well, she is doing MUCH better, so I am going to share and in fact,WLKY did a news piece about her! Here is the link to the story:

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