Monday, December 31, 2012

iPrayer Happy New Year And Requests

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!

Hope everyone has a blessed 2013!!

This picture is Miss Evangeline Jarboe...26 weeks, her story coming up!

Prayer Request for a couple of things:

Request 1: Emily is still in the hospital! A nephrologist came in today and set her up with lots more medicines and scheduled an angiogram for tomorrow, we think. She has lots of fluid retention and swelling that the Lasiks (sp?) hasn't touched. They started a new medicine today that I can't spell and another that famously smells and tastes awful "like rotten eggs". But it will help her kidneys. There was mention of a possible other blood clot and heart failure again. Also she is feeling very down. I saw her tonight and we played Uno and watched a movie. Still praying for salvation and miracles.

Request #2: Today was the 1 year anniversary of the passing of Dylan First. Prayers for his family and his continued successful ministry!

Request #3: Denise's husband Bart passed away last week and we held the visitation and funeral this weekend. Prayers for their family.

Request #4: Suzanne's baby girl Evangeline is still growing safely inside Mommy and Mommy is still being VERY still. She is 26 weeks and has stage 1 abruption, and current ultra sound is similar to the one from 2 weeks ago.

Thanks for your diligence. It means a lot when I hear from you that you prayed for this one or that one. Keep me posted and I will pass them on!

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sad news

Prayers for Bomar family

Bart Bomar has passed away. Please keep the Bomar family in your prayers at this season especially. So sad for them.

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Urgent Prayer

Prayer Request for Bart Bomar

He has been rushed by ambulance to Nortons because he stopped breathing. They are working on him now. Please pray for Bart, his wife Denise, and the doctors and nurses.

You probably remember the Bart had heart surgery recently and was released this week from Cardiac Rehab at Baptist Hospital East.


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Friday, December 14, 2012

A little good news

Some good news today.

Ladies, I know this constant stream of bad news can be exhausting, especially if you find yourself empathizing instead of sympathizing.

Basically, in one case you are actually feeling the person's pains and in the other you are being understanding of those pains. We have to be careful for our own sake not to dwell on bad news or imagine being there ourselves. Sam explained it to me as "empathizing is almost like we are switching places with the person."

So, lets have some good news today...

Update on Sherry:

Hey! Thank you so much for your fervent prayers for Sherry. Here's the latest on her:

She had the ventilator removed a few days ago, so she's breathing on her own
The shunt has been removed from her head
She has been responding to commands (thumbs up, move your toes, etc.), even able to distinguish between right and left
She opened her eye today, which seemed to communicate that she is responsive and knows who people are
They are putting in a trach tomorrow morning

Please please please continue to intercede on her behalf. God is good; praise Him. He is working miracles.

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Tragic Event Please Pray Now

Dear iPrayerLady,

I'm sad to share this story and have to admit it almost made me physically ill. I don't mean to but I instantly empathize with the people involved. If you are sensitive to tragedy, please don't read this.

Shooting in a Kindergarten Class in CT

There has been a school shooting in CT. At least 27 people dead according to the current info. 18 of them are an entire Kindergarten Class.

Please pray for everyone there and around the world that hear this as well.

This is a link to an article about it, but I'm sure there are many out there. I just picked one.

Update on Emily: Emily had Open Heart Surgery yesterday and is recovering as expected today. She was taken off the vent. but was still having trouble breathing, so they've put her on forced air + oxygen. This made her very agitated, so they have sedated her, although she is awake and communicating with hand gestures and giving people a thumbs up.

Emily had 2 blood clots in her heart, which they have cut out. They believe this should fix the problems she was having that they diagnosed as Heart Failure previously.


iPrayer Lady

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iPrayer Request 12/12/12

iPrayer 12/12/12

Request: Kim- Please keep a friend of mine, Teresa, her family, and her Dad in prayer. He is in late stages of cancer. I also want prayer for my Son, Seth. That God would protect him from the enemy's attack on his family

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Take 3 iPrayer

Take 3

I got this late last night. Sad story but glad most people are ok.

Request : from Lisa- Please join me in praying for an unfortunate situation. Just last night, my brother-in-law and nephews were involved in a head-on collision. The car that they collided with was also a family I love and care for deeply. In this other car was the Thomas family, including their aunt/sister, Sherry. All involved in the accident (both cars) were taken to the hospital for mostly minor injuries; however, Sherry was unconscious and has severe head trauma. Currently, she is in the ICU under great care; would you please join with me, in praying for Sherry:

"Father, I love you. This is too much to bear. Please intervene. Father, walk through this with the family. Be with them, Father. Comfort them, provide them security, love, and hope in the midst of such tragedy and sorrow. Father, be light in their darkness. Be their hope in this hopelessness.
Take Sherry, wrap your unfailing arms around her. Intercede on her behalf, Jesus. May your healing hands bring recovery and restoration to Sherrys brain and body. Reverse what damage has been done, Father. Grant strength, power and perseverance in this trial. In your sweet mercy, enable her to overcome this darkness; do what only you can do. Thank you, that in your Son, she has life. True life. Father, direct doctorsminds, give them great wisdom beyond their study to provide the care needed for Sherry. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon all that are involved in her treatment; allow their hands, heart and minds to be led and controlled by your Holy Spirit as they work. Father, heal her. I know that you love Sherry more than all of us combined; I trust your very best for her. You are worthy of our praise. You are the God whose arm is never too short to save. The God who wind and waves obey. The One who is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. With great expectation and hope, we anticipate all that you will do in and through this situation. I love you, Father. Thank you for listening." Thank you for praying for Sherry, please continue. I appreciate you all. For HIS glory,

BIG Request for Emily- They have decided to do an Open Heart Surgery on Thursday to remove the biggest blood clot the Cardiologist and Thoracic Surgeon have ever seen. It is completely filling the right side - of course I don't know what I'm talking about, but they said the blood clot is 10 inches long and an inch wide!!

She is much relieved to not sit and wait but very very scared.

Earlier Update on Emily that i never had time to send: She took the medicines the Doctor gave her and is "being very still" but it's very hard. She needs a distraction all the time so she doesn't think about the blood clot in her heart. She also started into a major panic attack last night and they've given her Xanex (sp?) Which is helping but... Also please remember her Mother Linda, who already lost a child! When Emily's brother was 31 he was killed in an accident. Emily is now 35. She has another brother who is healthy, but he is bound to be a nervous wreck now too. Thanks.

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Monday, December 10, 2012

iPrayer - Another Request

iPrayer 12/10/12

From Nancy- My husband, Vance, is having a diverticulitis attack. He is in a lot of pain and his intestines are totally blocked as of yesterday. He actually woke up at 3 am, thinking he needed to go to the ER. He started praying and talking to God, and by 4 am the blockage started moving through his intestine! It is now just in a holding pattern. He needs this blockage to pass by tomorrow morning, or he may need to go to the hospital. We have an $11,000 deductible, so that would be a real financial hit. He is in pain and pretty miserable. Please join us in prayer that God will stimulate his intestines to pass this blockage, and pray for him to be pain free. Also please pray for him to be lifted up spiritually and mentally, this is starting to wear him down. Nancy

Update on Emily- The doctor was just here. She said the blood clot is the "biggest one I've ever seen." She said they can't do the screen they mentioned, but they've put her on Hepren and later Mycarta, then Coumadin. (i made up those spellings) She is stuck here until at least Friday. Then maybe she can go sit around at home. The biggest concern is that pieces of it could break off and travel to one or the other lung, but not her brain- which is good. Also please pray for boldness for the believers that God has surrounded her with.

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Urgent Prayer


I need some prayer warriors!
My friend Emily has been in the hospital for 3 days. She has some chronic medical issues but things got really bad really fast! Trouble breathing, extremely fast heart rate, high BP, swelling in legs & feet. Breathing is under control now, Dr finally bothered to look & found a blood clot in her heart! Please pray for healing & peace
Also for salvation.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

iPrayer 11/26/12

iPrayer 11/26

Request: Marcia- This came from my daughter Alyse, who lives MI: Please pray for my friend Tara. She went in for her appt to check on her baby and today his heart had stopped. She was nine months; they were going to induce her this week.

Request: Barbara- Please pray for my niece Paisely. She lost her husband on Thanksgiving night. They were married on Oct. 20th.

Request: A young man named Jants Grodzicki wa killed in a Motocross accident Saturday. He had been on life support until today but at 12:30pm he passed away. Ryan, the rider who became a Christian on our Honduras trip, was there when Jants fell. He said there was a jump that didnt go according I plan and he was pronounced dead at the scene, only to be reassessed, twice. It is particularily difficult because the doctors had told his family yesterday morning that "it was a miracle" and he had "significant changes" leading them to believe he would be ok.

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Friday, November 23, 2012

iPrayer for Paisely

iPrayer for Paisley

From Barbara- My niece Paisley who lives in Huntsville Alabama, just got married october 20th, she is 32 and this was her first marriage, Her husband died last night. He has been in the hospital for the last 2 weeks with blood clots all through his body. she is devastated and everyone is very worried about her. She is my sister Lizzies daughter. Thank You.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

iPrayer LC Baby Boy

iPrayer for LC

Request: LC- It's A Boy! However, the doctor said there is a small place on his brain that she has usually clears up by 32 weeks so we'll have another ultrasound at 28 weeks to check it. So please pray it clears itself up.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

iPrayer for Lori

Month, Day 20XX 
Dear iPrayerLady,

I am sending this one out as soon as I get it, because again it's needed now, not next week when I send the next letter. So, please forgive me for sending a zillion emails this week. Isn't that always the way though? Nothing for 2 months then 10 in a week. Anyway, thanks for taking a second to pray for this family.

iPrayer Request

Request #4? Can you please add my friend Lori. She is going to the hospital now with her daughter.  Her granddaughter was supposed to be born Monday but her stats are not looking good and the dr's said she is not moving or breathing ??  Not really sure how that works in utero.  Please pray for Lori, her daughter Jessica and granddaughter Jubilee.  Lori lost two children in the end of her pregnancy as well so she is especially and understandably sensitive and upset.  Prayers are so appreciated.


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