Friday, December 14, 2012

A little good news

Some good news today.

Ladies, I know this constant stream of bad news can be exhausting, especially if you find yourself empathizing instead of sympathizing.

Basically, in one case you are actually feeling the person's pains and in the other you are being understanding of those pains. We have to be careful for our own sake not to dwell on bad news or imagine being there ourselves. Sam explained it to me as "empathizing is almost like we are switching places with the person."

So, lets have some good news today...

Update on Sherry:

Hey! Thank you so much for your fervent prayers for Sherry. Here's the latest on her:

She had the ventilator removed a few days ago, so she's breathing on her own
The shunt has been removed from her head
She has been responding to commands (thumbs up, move your toes, etc.), even able to distinguish between right and left
She opened her eye today, which seemed to communicate that she is responsive and knows who people are
They are putting in a trach tomorrow morning

Please please please continue to intercede on her behalf. God is good; praise Him. He is working miracles.

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