Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wesley Is Out! Plus Requests!

Sleeping Like A Baby

Praise!! Wesley is out of surgery! Tubes in place (again) and the scope was clear! The adenoids had grown back some but the dr removed them again.

Request: A friend's Mom is feeling really crummy and truly needs to go to the doctor but she is kind of scared to go. Please pray she will realize she needs to go and would feel MUCH better if she wasn't fighting through every minute! Also, keep my friend and their family in prayer for how to help best!!

Request: Another Lady in the group has her Mom in a rehab facility following her knee replacement, and her Grandmother in the hospital with multiple health issues!

Request: Amanda is getting married!!! This Saturday at 2pm at Forestpark! Please pray for a blessing on her marriage and a beautiful, joyful wedding!!

Request: Please continue to remember the families who were effected by the bombings in Boston.

I realize we try to focus on people we are directly connected with in some way, but when there is a large scale crisis in our lives and country, we are all effected by it.

It changes the way we look at everything. Fear creeps in.

Honestly, have you reconsidered anything since you heard the news in Boston? I have.

I thought "I'm so glad I have plans during Thunder Over Louisville." And "well we went to the Derby Parade last year w the kids, but no way this year." I even had the experience of someone describing riding on their Derby Float for work and I had a chill and sense of panic for a second!!

Here's a Mystery: God is TOTALLY in control. He allows bad things to happen, but He NEVER causes (never is the Author) of EVIL.

Pray for peace for our country in our minds and physically.

Pray specifically for the families of the 3 deaths and for the 150+ who were injured.

Pray for recovery and the total mental and physical change the runners who have lost their legs will endure.

But above all else, Pray for God's Will. Remember, that was His idea! Jesus told us to pray "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Praising God for telling us that He is in Control in Heaven where His will is always done and that one day (maybe today? Maybe next week? Maybe when our great-great-great grandchildren are 90) He will Return and Reign Forever!!!

Have an amazing week!


Send me anything you hear because we are always here!!!

iPrayer Ladies
The Digital Prayer Group

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