Monday, May 18, 2015

iPrayer Ladies 5/18/15

May 18, 2015
iPrayer Ladies : The Digital Prayer Group
Dear iPrayerLady,

It's a very cloudy day in Louisville, but somehow it seems ok. It's one of those days where the rain seems like it is a drink for the flowers and the wind feels like a breeze blowing summer your way. Woah...that is like deep...

Anyway, I think just being this close to school being out has everyone feeling excited and hopeful. I know we are starting to mentally prepare for our annual family beach excursion a few weeks from now, which actually just  means I am thinking things like, "Will the van make it that far?" "Do we have that much saved up for gas," and "Am I ready to sit in the car with 2 kids saying 'Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?'' for hours!

I am putting some links at the bottom of each section when I can, (fancy new fan-dangled software) so that you can easily skip ahead to the requests, or the scripture I found for today, or back to the skip my rambling... :-)

Have a Blessed Day!

~ iPrayer Lady

2 Anonymous Requests:

Hello Ladies!  We have two anonymous prayer requests:


1. We have a lady who is looking for an apartment, either over a garage or a basement apartment.


2. We have another lady who is looking for a job.




Please keep one of our iPrayer Ladies' husband, Bruce in your prayers.


He was taken to the hospital for being short of breath and generally not feeling right a few days ago.


They have since learned that he has fluid around his heart and a fever. Then they started to be told other seemingly unrelated, but possibly serious, health issues are popping up. (O2 was low after sleeping without the CPAP over night in an attempt to lesson his feeling of being trapped, he seems to be putting out a lot more fluid than he is taking in...etc.)


He is very confused and disoriented now.


Praying for his wife, and their 3 adult sons, plus daughters-in-law and grandkids, as they try to give this to the Lord in prayer, and not worry over it. 



Romans 8:26-27(NIV)

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God.


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iPrayer Ladies | 1587 Bardstown rd | Louisville | KY | 40205

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