Monday, November 8, 2010

Week of 11/8/10

iPrayer Ladies Group

Thanks for taking time out of your day to read over these requests! Thanks to all of you who take a second to email me things you hear or see, I do my best to pass them on! Feel free to forward these along and to print it out to give to those who do not have access to email.

First, a personal note: I should have taken time out to send out an SOS myself last week! Grace came down with Strep Sunday night just as we were finishing Trick-or-Treat! I got her to the pediatrician the next day after she went into chills (before the fever even came on!) and they got us some antibiotics. Then by Monday night I knew I was sick too! I went in to the Kroger Little Clinic and she told me either I had strep too, but it just wasn’t showing up yet, or I was going into a serious sinus infection! Talk about a long week! She and I slept a LOT and took our antibiotics. We are both much better now. The only left-over issue is that the whole thing set off my Vertigo again, so I’ve been really really dizzy! I’ve even been having spinning and rocking dreams! Boats in storms, Hiding in Caves during Hurricanes, etc. Thank goodness for Dramamine II that stops the spinning! Thanks also to those of you who checked in to figure out why I never sent this letter out last week! Good to know someone noticed!

Enough about me, here’s our long list of requests this week!

Father God, we pray that You would hear our prayers for these people who have reached out for Your help. We pray Lord, that You would protect us, and show us how we can honor You. Thank You so much for Your love, In Jesus Name, Amen.

Request #1: Robin – (Tues, 11/2) My niece Faith, age 3, went to doctor to check on breast development, was sent to Kosair today for x-ray & ultrasound. Doctor called and says her ovaries & uterus are the size of someone who had already been through puberty. She has an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist on Friday. Update: (Sun, 11/7) The X-Ray (which was to rule out a dangerous condition that would have been evident in her bones) was Normal! The gyn. sent her back to Kosair on Saturday 11/6 for blood work.

Request #2: Maya is having her surgery on November 10, please pray for her complete recovery and a newly developed wisdom to grow within her.

Request #3: Perry is going to be the next assistant lay director for men's Emmaus walk 137, on March 3-6. Please pray for spiritual protection upon him, his family and loved ones. 

Request #4: Emily -For those who pray; please put a few in for my stepmother who lost her older brother on 10/29. He was a lovely person and I know she is hurting.

Request #5: Heather - has a sick child... crossing my fingers that the other three don’t get sick too!.

Request #6: Liz Curtis Higgs - Quick update from the DR! I'm speaking seven times here--to Dominican women, to missionary women, and to American women on a short-term mission trip--and am grateful for each opportunity. "Me basta tu gracia mi Dios." His grace is enough for me. THANKS for your prayers!

Just for Fun:
A little boy was in a relative's wedding. 
As he was coming down the aisle, he would take two steps, stop, and turn to the crowd.
While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up like claws and roar.
So it went, step, step, ROAR, step, step, ROAR, all the way down the aisle.
As you can imagine, the crowd was near tears from laughing so hard by the time he reached the pulpit.
When asked what he was doing, the child sniffed and said,
"I was being the Ring Bear."

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