Friday, November 19, 2010

Week of 11/15/10

Hi! Hope you have all had a blessed week! 

To think, next week is Thanksgiving! Happens soooo fast!

We have a lot of requests today, and as usual, I'm sure when I send this out, we'll get even more! That's fine with me, that's what we're here for, right?

I will pray for the prayer warriors, then you will have to take it from there!

Lord God, we just ask that Your will would be done. We ask that Your Holy Spirit would come into our hearts and minds as we read these requests. Let us see them through Your eyes. Hear them with Your ears. Let us know how You want us to pray for them. We ask that You would heal the sick and broken hearted. That You would provide jobs for the jobless and food for the hungry. There are many others we can think of right now who need our prayers, as well as many we don't even know. We pray that Your hand would be on those as well. Thank you for blessing us, and giving us access to a computer. Thank you for letting us communicate, in this age, like no other group of women has before us. Help us to be truly thankful for what we have this holiday season, In Jesus Name, Amen.

Request #1- Senora Santoscoy- This morning I found out that my favorite teacher of all time passed away. She taught Spanish at Atherton High School for many, many years. I have no details yet, but do know that she leaves hundreds of students who loved her. She leaves a large and healthy family. She leaves her husband, and she leaves the world a better place. She was too young to go and too good to go young.

Request #2- Misty - A friend of mine lost her baby girl just minutes after she was born.

Request #3- Connie- A high school friend, Shirley, has 2 spots on two different ribs that doctors say is a 50/50 chance of cancer.  This is overwhelming because she just lost her brother to cancer three weeks ago.  Her husband also battled cancer this past year and is currently in remission.

Request #4- Jessica- is back from the ER. My Kroger trip (literally--lol) with Amber turned into an injury. I sprained my ankle and fell--not so gracefully--in the parking lot. THANK GOD it's not broken. Just quite painful and very swollen at the moment!

Request #5- Laura- Prayers for my baby...he's off to Ireland today for a European jaunt with some other bachelor hoppin' for two whole weeks. Lord, please send big angels to follow those guys everywhere they go! Update: Brett landed safely in Dublin (thank you, Lord). He will be country-hopping in Europe for the next two weeks. Oh, to be young, footloose, and fancy-free!

Request #6- Samaritan's Purse International Relief -URGENT NEED: Short term opportunities for Health Care Administrators and Epidemiologists in Haiti. Please contact Debbie Smith at if you are qualified and interested.

Request #7- Christy- Is en route to CAMC for surgery :(   (11/18 early morning)

Request #8- Connie
(11/18 early morning) Up early and headed to the outpatient surgery center for an "itty-bitty" procedure on my foot. I'll be so glad when it's over. Update:  Home! The foot is still far, so good!

Request #9- Tammi- So many of my friends seem to really be going through some hard times right now...I'm praying for you all! :)

Request #10- Samaritan's Purse International ReliefHAITI UPDATE: Dr. John Potts, a volunteer from Vancouver serving in Haiti reports: "Bercy Clinic has grown from two tents to more than a dozen in days. As quickly as we build new tents, they fill up." Please continue to pray for our teams working around the clock.

Request #11- Andrew- My friend Vicki's 15 month old boy has had a seizure set on (they think) by a fever. It was 102, then 99, then 101, then the day after the seizure it went up to 104.8! He is doing much better, but calling 911 and taking your baby to the hospital is terrifying. Let's pray that this was a one time event that they can tell stories about when he's 50....
A Verse From Patty-
‎"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
My hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
Psalm 62:5-6

SPECIAL NOTE! Our Christmas Tea at Forest Park Community Church is only two weeks away!  Please be sure to sign up if you can, (feel free to email us!) and ask a friend to join you at the Tea.  Also, if anyone would like to help with the Tea, please let me know.  There are lots of opportunities for you to share your spiritual gifts.
 We are having our annual Christmas Tea on Thursday, December 2nd from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Please attend and consider bringing a friend. There will be fellowship, food, crafts, and, of course, tea. Suggested donation of $5 and/or a toy for the Wayside Christmas Barrels. Childcare will be provided. Sign-up sheets are in both the front and side lobbies at church.  If you would like to help with the Tea, please contact Derema at Service opportunities for the Tea include: decorating, making food, setup and cleanup.

iprayer Ladies Group
The Digital Prayer Group

"Rejoice always! Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (HCSB)

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