Thursday, March 29, 2012

March Madness!!

Happy March Madness!!! 

I can't get over that this year is 1/4 over already! We just got the Christmas stuff out didn't we? And now it's time for the Final Four! 

For those of you who aren't in Kentucky, (or who are but don't watch tv, facebook, email, or read...ok just kidding) The University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky -our two biggest local teams- are competing this Saturday night at 6pm for one of 2 places in the final game to see who is the best team in the country. Around here everything is turning Red or Blue!!!!!!!!

We have 6 requests and 2 praises (which of course always come with more requests, don't they?) Thanks for your time!

BTW: Do you know a "Prayer Panther" (as my Aunt loves to call it)? Don't want to be a Panther, how about "Prayer Partner" or "Pretty Prayer," whatever you call her, call her up or fb her or tweet her "@Panther want to pray?" or whatever, and tell her about us! Then pass me her email and I will add her to the list! 

Also don't forget we have a website too! Same things you see here, but can't hurt to pass it on!

*Just so you know, I never share this list, and there is only one other person who even has access to this account! I asked Derema early on to be our on-call Emailstress, just in case there is a major need we want to pass along at a time I can't get to the computer! Plus, we never use last names, and depending on the situation, sometimes not even first names!! So you tell your favorite prayer, she is safe with us!

Thanks again, here we go!

Request #1: An unspoken request for a iPrayer lady trying to make a big decision! Please pray that God will take care of the details and she can just follow His will and the weight she feels on her will be lifted.

Request #2: We need prayer for a friend who has suffered a great loss of a very little gift. There will be difficult decisions to make in the next few days. Please keep she and her husband and family on your mind and in your prayers.

These next 3 come to us from an iPrayer lady's Church prayer list! Thanks Robin!!

Request #3: Darrell and Leslie- Their daughter, Anna, is going to have open heart surgery for a valve replacement on Monday, April 2nd.  They would appreciate your prayers.
Request #4: Ryan and Jennifer-  Jennifer's sister, Cindy, is pregnant with her third child.  She miscarried her last child at 17 weeks.  Cindy has Factor V disease (a blood clotting disorder) and it causes complications during pregnancy.  Although the pregnancy is going well so far (she is only 11 weeks along) it is still very early.  She is supposed to be taking injections that will help her blood to not clot, however due to the cost we found out she has not started these yet.  We know her blood is clotting and she has small clots in her arms and legs already.  Please pray she will start taking the injections soon as she has family members that have given her the money for the injections.  Pray that her pregnancy goes well and that the Factor V disease does not cause problems.
Request #5: Sebastian and Marea: Marea's co-worker lost two young family members this week.  The first was a 17 year old girl, named Brittany, who died in a car accident.  The other was a 15 year old girl (I don't know her name), who committed suicide which they believe was related to a school bullying situation.  Please pray for these two families.

Request #6: Robin's Grandmother has been admitted to the hospital with MRSA and was previously diagnosed with congestive heart failure. 

Praise #1: My beautiful 5 year old daughter apparently has been struggling with her vision for sometime, so through an intricate set of circumstances, I ended up getting her an appointment at the optometrist in preparation for Kindergarten next year, which is not required any longer. They caught the problem!! She is now in little pink (or purple depending on the day) glasses! Thanks to God for sending us to the professionals! Let's pray the glasses stay in one piece and truly help her vision.

Praise #2: An iPrayer lady from our group just found out that her skin cancer is NOT the dangerous kind and this can be easily removed! She will have to have several minor "surgeries" on it over the next months, but still a major praise!

Thanks for your diligence!

Just for fun: (Let the record show I am both a UK and UofLfan. But this is cute...

Inline image 1

iprayer Ladies Group
The Digital Prayer Group

"Rejoice always! Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (HCSB)

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