Wednesday, August 15, 2012

iPrayer Back to School

iPrayer Ladies
Back to School Time
Thanks for reading our Back to School Issue of iPrayer Ladies! As you go into the Fall and on into the Holidays, we hope you will keep your ears, eyes, and emails open for people around you who are in need of specific prayer requests! For that matter, people who need general prayer! (Who doesn't?)

As always, if these emails come to frequently, feel free to drop me a line and say, "put me on the once a week (or month) version please!" or if this has become a time in your life where your inbox is busier than your time allows, tell me and we will take you off the list for awhile!
Share Share Share these requests with the Ladies in your life! 

Request #1: Patty- Having eye surgery this morning! "They are removing a pterygium (sun burn on my eye / growth) and then graphing from my upper eye ball to cover it, then graphing skin from my upper eye lid to create a wall in the corner of my eye (you won't see it) so that it acts as a barrier so that it can't grow back. Any who.. if you could say a prayer for me.. I'm just a little nervous about going under and then there is the concern of my eye being cut on..."

Request #2: One of the ladies in our group asked for prayer regarding an upcoming appeal of a court decision. She and her husband were slammed by the courts last year. A medical malpractice suit, which everyone involved, and even news reports (some of which had picked up the story from around the world,) agreed that this was an open and shut case in favor of her husband, the patient. But, not only did the courts side with the doctor, they did not even give her family a penny to help with their extensive court and legal costs. Everyone was shocked. 
The appeal court date is Sept. 11, and it is desperately urgent that the courts reverse this decision. It was a significant risk financially, emotionally, (and for their dignity) to go through with the trial after all they had endured, but they did so with the assurance that it was "the right thing to do". To then also be denied help, was shocking.
Request #3: Back to School means back to stress for our kiddos. (And parents!) Let's pray for a sense of peace and organization for the kids. The kids and parents need to start off on a good foot with teachers, administration, and classmates. Let's pray for safety for them all, big and little, as they go to and from school this year. Let's pray for focus, fun, and learning. And let's not forget to pray for the adults involved all around. 
School Jokes:

~My son, Mitchell, a kindergartener, practices spelling with magnetic letters on the refrigerator: "cat," "dog," "dad," and "mom" have been proudly displayed for all to see. One morning while getting ready for the day, Mitchell bounded into the room with his arms outstretched. In his hands were three magnetic letters: G-O-D. "Look what I spelled, Mom!" Mitch exclaimed, a proud smile on his face. "That's wonderful!" I said. "Now go put them on the fridge so Dad can see when he gets home tonight." That Christian education is certainly having an impact, I thought, happily. Just then, a little voice called from the kitchen. "Mom? How do you spell 'zilla?'"
~One morning a mother was trying to wake up her son. "Wake up now! It's time to go to school." "I don't want to go to school," the son replied. His mother said, "Give me two reasons why you don't want to go to school." "Okay. One, all the children hate me. Two, all the teachers hate me." "Not good enough," the mother replied. "Fine," the son said. "Then you give me two good reasons why I SHOULD go to school." "One, you're 50 years old. Two, you're the principal of the school."
~The new family in the neighborhood overslept and their six-year-old daughter missed her school bus. The father, though late for work himself, had to drive her. Since he did not know the way, he said that she would have to direct him to the school. They rode several blocks before she told him to turn the first time, several more before she indicated another turn. This went on for 20 minutes - but when they finally reached the school, it proved to be only a short distance from their home. The father, much annoyed, asked his daughter why she'd led him around in such a circle. The child explained, "That's the way the school bus goes, Daddy. It's the only way I know."

iprayer Ladies Group
The Digital Prayer Group

"Rejoice always! Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (HCSB)

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