Tuesday, February 26, 2013

iPrayer 2/26/13

February 26, 2013

singing in the rain
New Mercies Pouring Down Every Rainy Day!

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-24 KJV 

Days like today it can be really hard to imagine that the "Sun will come out tomorrow." But, so far at least, it always has.

In fact, the Bible tells us that "His compassions fail not," and that "The Lord's mercies" are "New every morning." Good thing, or I would have been "consumed" a long, long time ago.

I mostly use the New American Standard Bible or the New International Version (NASB or NIV) but this verse just speaks to me from the King James Version. 

This same verse is in the others, of course, the NIV translates it: "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed" and "The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease" says the NASB.

Interesting that Mercy and Love can be translated from the same word, huh? 

Check this one out:

"10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." Malachi 3:10 NIV

I figure it the Lord sends down so much blessing I can't store it, I will just pass some around!

So, when Spring seems 4 months away instead of 4 weeks, and when the checking account balance is less than your age, and when you feel like the most you can pull off is getting out of bed that day, just remember, ask the Lord for what you need, trust Him, and he will MORE than make it all work out.

Oh, and if it rains on your parade, take your shoes off and splash a little!!

Request #1: 
One of our Prayer Ladies found out today that her husband is going to have to have Prostate Surgery on Friday. It's very sudden and will require an entire weekend in the hospital. Please pray for calm and peace for both of them and a very easy, successful, painless procedure with a quick recovery!

Request #2:

TJ - Needs prayer for help getting Insurance to pay for various medicines and equipment needed, and for related health concerns. Also feeling very down and somewhat hopeless. Please pray for health, peace, and understanding of the Hope that she can find in Jesus.

Request #3:

Please pray for financial stability and for guidance about finance related decisions for many of the families on our list.

Request #4:

This request was passed on by Women At Risk, an International organization that fights Human Trafficking!

Women At Risk, International- Urgent Prayer Request regarding Sweetie: A few days ago we received word that the [newly discovered] real owner of Sweetie "says" he will sign legal documents giving her to us. One meeting with him happened a day early, and we are still moving forward praying that nothing stops the progress. The day we hope to resolve this is March 1 or 2...continued fasting and prayer is requested! There are MANY things that could stop this in its tracks and turn bad. We need supernatural prayer for a miracle. Read, pray, and claim Isaiah 49:24-25 and Isaiah 52:2-3. We need miracles to set the captive free..."BUT GOD"!!

New Mercies & Fresh Courage
I found this page when I was looking up the Malachi verse, and I thought it might be just what someone here needed to read, so....
Here's an excerpt: 

Every morning I do plea for new mercy and fresh courage. Because there is no going without God's grace. And guess what? 


God is happy to pour out new mercy and fresh courage for all of us!


Just think of Joshua. He did not receive strength and courage only when he was selected to be the leader after Moses. Joshua found his courage day by day in the strength God provided him. Joshua lived by faith battle by battle. God was with Joshua every step he took. Without God Joshua wouldn't have had the needed strength and courage to lead. But with God he became an invincible leader.


The same way we can find new mercy and fresh courage in the strength God provides us daily. If we try to make it on our own, we just wear ourselves down. But when we walk with God, there will always be a fresh supply of mercy and courage available! We just need to ask!



Thanks for your time and prayers! It's hard to be diligent about prayer when we many times never see the fruits of our time! But rest assured: 

"Rejoice always! Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (HCSB)

iprayer Ladies Group


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iPrayer Ladies | 1587 Bardstown rd | Louisville | KY | 40205

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