Tuesday, February 12, 2013

iPrayer Ladies 2/12/13

February, 12 2013 
Good Morning!
I was sitting here at my desk trying to decide which of the piles of work to start on, when I got a prayer request to send you, and decided to do this instead. :-) (ADD is the clinical name for that....)
I hope everyone is having a great week of,
Valentine's Day!!!
 And, as Grace was singing to me in the car: 
"Don't Worry about ANYTHING, but Pray for EVERYTHING!"

Requests                                                                      requests
Request #1Requesting a prayer for my friend's 13 month old baby boy, Gavin. He is currently in a surgery that he needs in order to survive. He was born with Congenital Heart Defects and has spent most of his life FIGHTING for his life. 
You can read more about him and his family at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/Braveheart1227.
 He needs all the prayers he can get, so I'm doing the best I can to build up a prayer army today. Pass on the word and thank you in advance for your prayers!
Request #2: Emily is feeling rotten again and having swelling and the whole 90 yards. They are saying its either her heart again or kidneys. So, please pray that she (or I suppose God actually) will conquer her health problems.
Emily's Facebook Status:
My body hurt so badly yesterday. It makes my soul tired to hurt like that. My chest feels like it is on fire, every time I move I can feel the pain as the nerves are coming back across my chest. My ribs are inflammed and I can't lay on my side at all, which is frustrating. I had some bad results from a Pap smear (sorry men out there) and have to have more tests and biopsies, nothing serious to worry about, but yet another thing to deal with for now. I am swelling again, cardiologist is working that up as well. And I still have two papers to finish for my last class... and the new one starts on the 19th! So I am stressed, and could use some prayer, or good thoughts, or Xanax... at least one of those I already have...lol. 
Request #3: Kelly - Cancer was found in a tear duct under his right eye and they are going to remove the skin and cells there during a surgery, and then he has to go to a DIFFERENT doctor to have it stitched back up! Who ever heard of something like that! Anyway, please keep him in your prayers. Procedure is next week.
Request #4: Patty leaves tomorrow for California, driving by herself, and it should take about 3 days. She will be on the road the whole day Valentine's Day, and she is leaving her 4 year old, Taylor, here to fly out later in the month with her big sister, Lauren. Lauren is staying here with her Grandparent-in-laws, and not going to be with the rest of her family on the west coast, so this is a second part of the request, as it has been stressful for the whole family.
Request #5The Children's Pastor at FPCC, Laura, has decided it is time to step down from her position, in order to finish the writing of a book she feels God has called her to write. She is excited about that project, but it has been a difficult decision to step down. Please pray for she and her husband for guidance, provisions during the transition, and inspiration too!
Request #6: As you might guess by the last request, we are now seeking a Children's Minister at FPCC. Please keep the Elders in your prayers as they take applications and choose the right person for the job.

Have a Blessed Valentine's Day (or as my friend used to call it "Singles Awareness Day!")

I found this and thought some of you Moms, Grandmas and Teachers might like to use it! So, here you go!

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iPrayer Ladies: The Digital Prayer Group| | iprayerlady@doowop.com | http://www.iprayerladies.com
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Louisville, KY 40205

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This email was sent to maryconver.4ladyprayers@blogger.com by iprayerlady@doowop.com |  
iPrayer Ladies | 1587 Bardstown rd | Louisville | KY | 40205

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