Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Penny Needs iPrayer

iPrayer 2/19

Penny- i was lucky my son was behind me as we were getting ready to ascend the stairs. Felt like someone was pushing a board firmly on to my chest. The pressure (no pain) made it difficult to take a deep breath.

Slowly, everything around me began to darken, then blacken. Thankfully, my son sensed something was wrong and was able to break my fall to the cement floor as I collapsed.

Though he's not in the medical field, he's had first aid training as an Eagle Scout and knew the basics of what to do. Apparently I was unconscious for a bit longer than is normal and had a another symptom which sometimes accompanies black outs.

I was also sweating profusely, even though it's cold in our basement this time of year and I was really queasy. In the ER, as I was laying on the table waiting, a charley horse type of cramping pulled on the right side of my neck, follwed by a strong headache which crept up the right side of head.

Since I had chest radiation treatments in 2005 for breast cancer (which can affect the heart), the extensive tests done were to ensure I didn't have a heart attack or stroke. Thanks so much everyone.

Yes, I am eating well. I think diabetes was ruled out after getting my blood work results.

I should get the final heart test results today with the echo cardiogram. I'm praying for a way to pay all the bills that will start coming in for the MRI, Stress tests, Nuclear Medicine scans, Catscans, xrays, bloodwork and medical professional bills that insurance won't cover.

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